KizaAni is a fun and creative app designed for anime enthusiasts to create personalized anime videos using
stickers and text.
- Video Importing: Users can import videos from their Photo Library or File Picker, allowing them to select
their favorite clips to edit.
- Video Editing: Adding Stickers and Stamps: Users can enhance their videos by adding stickers or stamps. These
can be sourced from free online libraries, keyboard icons, or custom-designed sets (around 5-6 items per type).
- Compilation and Export: After editing, users can compile their additions and export the final video as an mp4
file. The exported videos are saved locally on the device.
- In-app Video Player: KizaAni features a built-in video player with basic functionalities such as play, pause,
and seek (+10s/-10s). A slider is also available for easy navigation through the video.
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